
FREE Webinars for RCH’s for 2025:

Monday 17th March 2025 - Health and safety overview

Monday 7th April 2025 - Water testing overview

Monday 19th May 2025 - Correct measuring techniques and balance water

More to follow throughout the year!

Please register your interest by emailing:

We have two exciting Education Seminars to announce!!

The first one to be held in Guildford on Sunday 6th October 2024! Early bird tickets prices from just £40!! Ticket sales to be released in June and booked before the 15th of July to make the most of this amazing offer. We have some wonderful speakers covering a wide range of subjects from managing arthritis delivered by one of the leading vets in this area, learning how to spot Alabama Rot and the most up-to-date research on this condition, a presentation on all you need to know about Librela, the science and benefits of laser therapy!! Plus, much more!!!

 The second education seminar will be held in Blackpool on the 23 March 2025 - more details to be announced later!!

We hope you can join us on either one or both exciting, specialist led events!

NARCH Education Seminar, Sunday 8th October 2023:

Holiday Inn Guildford

For more information on the event click here

NARCH Education Seminar, Sunday 9th October 2022:

Holiday Inn Guildford

For more information on the event click here

Please click on this 
link  for the latest NARCH Committee update made on 14th May 2021. 

Please click on this 
link  for the latest NARCH Committee update made on 14th May 2021.

Following the announcement of a third national lockdown for England on Monday 4th January 2021 please click on this 
link for the latest NARCH Committee update made on 5th January 2021.

Following the end of the second lockdown for England on Wednesday 2nd December 2020 please click on this link for the latest NARCH Committee update, made on 2nd December 2020,

Following the announcement of a second lockdown for England from Thursday 5th November 2020 please click this link for the latest NARCH Committee update, made on 3rd November 2020.


In light of the extraordinary circumstances that are affecting us all, the NARCH Management Committee have agreed that all active RCH's will have their annual registration renewal fee reduced from £115 to £85. Additionally, where the registration renewal date falls in the period 24th March 2020 to 24th June 2020 inclusive, a 3 month payment holiday will be granted.

For those RCH's whose annual registration renewal date falls in the period 24th March to 24th June 2020 inclusive, a 3 month payment holiday will be granted. Once a 3 month period has elapsed from the date of their original registration renewal date, NARCH will send an invoice to the RCH for the reduced sum of £85. This method ensures that all RCH's retain their sam annual registration renewal date.

For all RCH's with a renewal date falling in the period 25th June 2020 up to and including 23rd March 2021, NARCH will send an invoice for the reduced annual registration renewal fee of £85. Should any further periods of lockdown be put in place by the Government after the 24th June 2020, up to and including the 23rd March 2021 as a result of Covid-19, the NARCH Management Committee will review matters and advise accordingly.

No action will be required from RCH's. All RCH's who have a re-occurring automatic payment instruction in place with PayPal will receive a notification from PayPal that their instruction has been temporarily suspended. After 23rd March 2021, NARCH will ensure all re-occurring automatic payment instructions are re-instated.

Please note that the reduced annual fee of £85 and the 3 month fee payment holiday, will only apply to those RCH's whose names appear on the NARCH Register and will not apply to those RCH's who are suspended from the NARCH Register.



Following the Prime Minister's address to the Country at 20.30 hrs in 23rd March 2020 in which the Government issued instructions to stop all but essential contact, all NARCH Hydrotherapy Centres should close with immediate effect.
The Prime Minister stated that this is a NATIONAL EMERGENCY. The measures we are all being asked to put in place are to protect and preserve the health of the Nation - our staff, our clients, the general public, our families, those in high risk category groups and above all our healthcare workers, emergency services personnel and those involved in food production and supply. We need our front line workers to stay healthy so that they can help us. We must all do ourt part if we are to slow down and ultimately stop this virus. Please do your part.

All employers may wish to visit the Barlow Robbins website link for details about the Governments new Job Retention Scheme, designed to keep people in employment over the next few months as businesses are forced to temporarily close.

Thank you all.


COVID-19 Update

It is important that all hydrotherapists follow government guidelines in relation to Health and Safety, and Social Distancing protocols.  

If any of you are having to temporarily close your centre due to the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) outbreak you may find it helpful to visit the Pool Water Treatment Advisory Group Website (PWTAG)  PWTAG Guidance on temporary closure of pools

Canine First Aid Refrehser Courses

With immediate effect and until 1st September 2020, in view of the current spread of Coronavirus, if NARCH members are unable to attend a first aid refresher course they will be able to do a NARCH approved online first aid refresher course. See the First Aid Refresher Guidance document in the Resource Library.

POSTPONED 11th Symposium of the International Association of Veterinary Rehabilitation and physical Therapy to be held in Cambridge, UK on 19th - 21st August 2020. For further information follow this link.

NARCH Education Seminar - Sunday 6th October 2019
For more information on the event click here

NARCH AGM & Education Seminar: 7th October 2018
The day includes talks on Under Water Treadmill, Professional Working Dogs, Stress and Rehabilitation, and patient welfare as well as a 30 minute workshop on water testing. To purchase tickets click 

here. For more information click this link

8-9 June 2018 - Discount tickets for Vet Festival, Loseley Park, Surrey for NARCH members. Don't mid out - 15 % discount available to NARCH members 0 simply use the code NAR15..

Are you looking for a job or recruiting?

We now have a jobs section on the website for members looking to recruit new staff, and for RCHs looking for jobs as hydrotherapists. There is also a section for businesses for sale.

New Rules - from September 2017

New rules have recently been agreed by NARCH to enable RCHs to either renew their first aid refresher training by either attending an approved attendance based first aid refresher course or by completing an approved on-line first aid refresher course. For more information click here - link

Animal Rehabilitation Expo, ExCel Centre, London, June 10th and 11th 2015 (9 June 2015)

NARCH will have a stand at this two day Expo. The Expo is designed to be a complete exhibition for any rehabilitation therapist working with animals and will take place at the London ExCel Centre, Docklands on June 10th and 11th. The event brings a perfect combination of business services along with the latest products and techniques in the industry. There will be numerous exhibitors, together with seminars and workshops, where the opportunity for free CPD points can be earned.

Over the 2 days the extensive seminar schedule covers topics such as small animal hydrotherapy, laser therapy, hydrotherapy treadmills, animal chiropractic and physical therapy.

NARCH AGM and Education Seminar, October 18th 2015 (9 June 2015)

NARCH will be scheduling their AGM followed by another Educational Seminar on Sunday 18th October 2015 at The Holiday Inn, Guildford. Another full lecture programme is being planned, with 7 hours CPD being awarded to attendees. More information will be available shortly.

NARCH Education Seminar, June 14th 2015 (4 February 2015)

We are pleased to announce the next NARCH Education Seminar will be taking place at The Yorkshire Sculpture Park, West Bretton, Wakefield, WR4 4LG on Sunday 14th June 2015 at 09.30 - 16.30 hours.

The seminar is aimed at hydrotherapists, but other interested professionals are welcome to attend.

Tickets will cost £90 and will include all refreshments and a light lunch and you can find details about how to buy tickets by visiting the NARCH facebook page or reading the e-mail that all RCHs were sent recently. You will get 7 CPD hours for attendance and NARCH have subsidised this event to keep education costs down for members. Attendance will be worth 7 hours CPD.

We have four great speakers –Sarah Channon, David Ryan, Angela Griffiths and Kirsten Foulkes. All will be happy to take questions at the end of their lectures.

NARCH Education Seminar, March 9th 2014, Bristol (27 January 2014)

We are pleased to announce our Bristol Education Seminar, to be held at The Folly Farm Centre, Stowey, Pensford, Bristol BS39 4DW on Sunday 9th March 2014. We have themed the day and speakers around arthritis which can be a painful, debilitating and life limiting condition affecting the quality of life for both the dog and their family. We have three great speakers – Scott Rigg, Veerle Dejonckheere and Kate Vardy.

The seminar is aimed at hydrotherapists, but other interested professionals are welcome to attend. Early bird tickets for RCHs are only £65.00 – available until midnight 10th February. After 10th February, tickets will be full price - £75.00. Tickets include all refreshments and a light lunch and you can find details about how to buy tickets by visiting the NARCH facebook page or reading the e-mail that all RCHs were sent on 27th January 2014. You will get 7 CPD hours for attendance and NARCH have subsidised this event to keep education costs down for members.     

Scott Rigg BVMS, CertSAS, MRCVS – ‘’Osteoarthritis’’ Scott gave such a great lecture for NARCH in Forres, Scotland we have invited him back - so more members have the opportunity to hear his lively presentation. He will lecture on the pathology, cause, recognition and treatment of osteoarthritis in dogs. Treatment of osteoarthritis is multi-modal and the majority of dogs need non-surgical management. Scott will be looking at weight control, exercise management, physiotherapy, hydrotherapy and drug treatments for improving the function and quality of life of osteoarthritic dogs. In some cases where exercise expectations are high or where the condition is severe surgical treatment is necessary. The surgeries will be briefly described along with post-operative care and prognosis following these procedures. Scott runs a busy surgical referral service for dogs and cats at Bridge Vets in Aberdeen. Scott is happy to take questions and enjoys discussion and debate!

Veerle Dejonckheere, MRCVS, DVM, Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist, Veterinary Herbalist - ‘’The role of nutritional and herbal supplements in the management of arthritis’’ Veerle came to the UK in 2003 after qualifying from the University of Gent, Belgium in 2001. She has worked at several practices throughout the UK, integrating acupuncture, herbal and first line medicine. She studied veterinary phytotherapy with Peter Conway at Integrate CPD and acquired depth in experience as an acupuncturist while working with Lowri Davies at Smart Clinic. She is a member of the Association of British Veterinary Acupuncturists, the British Association of Veterinary Herbalists and the British Veterinary Rehabilitation and Sports Medicine Association. In 2012 Veerle started training as a chiropractor at the International Academy of Veterinary Chiropractic. She has been awarded the UK ABVA scholarship 2012 at the Australian College of Integrative Veterinary Therapies and used this to increase her knowledge of Chinese Herbal Medicine. She now works two days a week as the onsite vet at Chapel Farm Rehabilitation and Hydrotherapy centre run by Clair Hucker, RVN, CCRP, RCH.

Kate Vardy, MSc Veterinary Physiotherapy , BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy, MCSP, ACPAT Cat A – ‘’The trouble with arthritis . . .’’ Kate Vardy is the senior veterinary physiotherapist at Greyfriars Veterinary Rehabilitation Referrals. She will be talking about the effects of arthritis on quality of life. The importance of initial assessment and follow ups, planning and good management for chronic arthritis cases. She will also discuss recognising changes in your patients, the effect of pain, pain management and how to make your hydrotherapy treatment more effective. Kate completed her Physiotherapy degree in 2007 and continued post-graduate study in veterinary physiotherapy at Hartpury College, England. Whilst studying Kate joined Greyfriars as a part time hydrotherapist gaining valuable hands on experience with the hydrotherapy pool and water treadmill. Kate joined the Greyfriars' physiotherapy team in 2012 and has chosen to specialise in small animal veterinary physiotherapy. Kate has a varied case load of orthopaedic, neurological and musculoskeletal referrals and has experience with both hydrotherapy and land-based rehabilitation cases and manages the veterinary physiotherapy care for inpatients. She is a Physiotherapy Clinical Educator and frequently has students alongside her.

NARCH AGM and Education Seminar (8 September 2013)

We are pleased to announce our AGM, followed by an Education Seminar, to be held at Greyfriars Rehabilitation Referrals, The Veterinary Centre, Hogs Back, Guildford, Surrey, GU31 1AG on Sunday 8th September 2013. We have two great speakers - Susanna Alwen and Rachel Mowbray. Only RCHs may attend the AGM but guests are welcome for the rest of the day. Tickets are £35.00 including all refreshments and a buffet lunch and you can find details about how to buy tickets by visiting the NARCH facebook page and clicking on this event and buy tickets.

Susanna Alwen, MA Cantab VetMB MRCVS will talk about ‘’What hydrotherapists need to know about pain management.’’ Susanna has a keen interest in rehabilitation and pain management, particularly chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis. She offers a referral service at Greyfriars consulting on pain management and acupuncture and was a technical veterinary advisor and trainer for a veterinary pharmaceutical company. Her talk will provide an overview on how dogs feel pain and cover the differences between the short term pain of acute injury and the long term effect of chronic pain. She will consider methods for managing pain, how these might affect hydrotherapy treatment and where hydrotherapy sits within a multimodal programme for pain management.

Rachel Mowbray, BVSc, MRCVS will talk about ’Injuries suffered by competitive dogs, how to prevent injuries and aid recovery.’’ Rachel spoke at our spring seminar in Scotland and we enjoyed her brilliant talk so much we have asked her back again to give people in the south of England an opportunity to hear her. She has some great film in her presentation (some will make you wince!) and is entertaining and scientific in her approach. Sports Medicine is a growing field and hydrotherapists should be well informed about the type of injuries competitive dogs suffer and why. Rachel Mowbray is the official vet for the Kennel Club’s GB Agility Team. Rachel has competed with her champion agility dog, Nutmeg, at the highest level all over the world. Rachel is part of the team at ‘Petrehab’ in Gloucestershire –

All RCHs who attend the Education Seminar will get 7 CPD hours.

EDUCATION SEMINAR, Saturday 15th June - Forres, Scotland (16 May 2013)

We are pleased to announce the speakers for the NARCH Education Seminar at Forres, Scotland. They include vets Rachel Mowbray, Scott Rigg and Kiran Sehgal. Rachel Mowbray, BVSc, MRCVS is the official vet for the Kennel Club’s GB Agility Team. Rachel has competed with her champion agility dog, Nutmeg, at the highest level all over the world. Rachel is part of the team at ‘Petrehab’ in Gloucestershire. She will be covering the injuries competitive dogs suffer and why, how to really see what we are asking our dogs to do, how to prevent injuries and how to help recovery. For more details and to buy tickets click on the Event page on this website.

NARCH facebook page launched (16 May 2013)

We now have a NARCH facebook page - details of the Education Seminar in Forres, Scotland are on the page. Plus links to accommodation and news. Go to

New Committee Meets (31 January 2013)

The newly elected Management Commitee met on 24th January - despite weather conditions attempting to disrupt the planned meeting. New members joining the committe are Terry Chapman, Adam Gibbins, Lynn Irvine and Deborah Wickham. The 'about us' section on our website will shortly be updated with more about the new members.

New NARCH Chair elected (31 January 2013)

New Chair Lynn Irvine has many years experience in animal care and campaigning. She looks forward to continuing the amazing success and growth of NARCH as the leading hydrotherapy organisation in the UK. In her acceptance speech she thanked outgoing Chair Angela Griffiths for her unstinting enthusiasm and commitment over the last three years. Lynn will be assisted by Adam Gibbins in the newly created post of Vice Chair which was felt necessary due to NARCH's increasing membership.

Successful AGM and Education Seminar (1 October 2012)

On Sunday, 30th September, NARCH held its AGM and 5th Education Seminar. It was hosted by Greyfriars Veterinary Rehabilitation and Hydrotherapy Referrals at Guildford who provided an excellent venue, with lovely refreshments throughout the day including an ample lunch. A high turn -out of members attended the AGM with further delegates arriving later for the informative and stimulating presentations and practical sessions.

Delegates were really pleased that NARCH's continuing success and growth meant the Committee were able to subsidise the day from funds and RCHs only paid £20.00 for the day.

The day started with an excellent introduction from the NARCH Chair, Angela Griffiths, who is sadly stepping aside later this year. However, she is handing over an organisation that is in a strong position financially and ethically and that will continue to positively influence standards in canine hydrotherapy in the future. Committee members were pleased to report that membership had doubled in the past year, standards were continually improving in all areas and finances were in good order.

Sue Fitzmaurice gave a first-rate talk on neurological conditions and responses, together with a useful demonstration on neuro assessment of patients with full audience participation on the Greyfriars team dogs.

Jerry O’Riordan’s lively and entertaining presentation on Hip Dysplasia and the treatment options available to patients provided a wealth of information on the condition, management of HD and possible reasons for development of condition.

To finish off the day, Keith Fisher spoke about looking after hydrotherapy pools and ensuring the water is always up to the correct standards. Many questions were taken from the floor and this proved to be a most useful talk.

Greyfriars have posted photos of the day on their facebook page

Fran Murtaugh, Membership Secretary

Diary date - 1st July NARCH Education Seminar in Lincoln (14 May 2012)

We are holding our 4th Education Seminar on 1st July 2012 at the Bentley Hotel in Lincoln. We have some great speakers covering a wide range of subjects relevant to hydrotherapists. Places are limited and tickets go on sale on Monday 14th May - so don't delay as we expect this event to fill up quickly. For more information click on the Events tab above.

Catch up on CPD at BSAVA in Birmingham (16 March 2012)

A chance to attend some good informative lectures and learn about the latest updates in the veterinary world: BSAVA World Congress 11-15th April 2012 Held at the ICC/NIA in Birmingham, BSAVA World Congress 2012 will be the LARGEST international veterinary event ever held in the UK. The programme includes over 300 lectures including rehabilitation updates on Thursday and Saturday morning plus your chance to view the commercial exhibition with over 250 exhibitors. For more information and lecture content visit

Changes to Pet Travel Rules (2 January 2012)

The Pet travel rules changed on 1 January 2012 bringing the UK into line with the European Union.

All pets can enter or re-enter the UK from any country or territory in the world without quarantine provided they meet the rules of the scheme. These rules differ depending on where the pet is coming from. Animals that do not meet all the rule requirements must still go into quarantine until they are compliant.

Full details of the scheme, including specific information on countries and territories can be found at

Christine Zink coming to UK in April for Canine Athlete 2 day seminar (2 January 2012)

Dr. Christine Zink DVM, PhD, is a consultant on canine sports medicine who designs individualized rehabilitation and conditioning programs for canine athletes. She is the award-winning author of the books Peak Performance: Coaching the Canine Athlete and The Agility Advantage and co-author of the book Jumping From A to Z: Teach Your Dog to Soar and the DVD Building the Canine Athlete.

Dr. Zink is a charter member of the American College of Veterinary Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation, the newest specialty in veterinary medicine. She presents seminars worldwide to veterinarians and working dog professionals.

Coaching the Canine Athlete Seminar UK.

This two-day seminar is full of the latest information about the canine athlete and is updated continuously. Christine will provide information on how the canine body works, and what we can do to improve performance and keep our dogs healthy and injury-free. The format for each day is divided into several segments, with alternating lecture and discussion periods using abundant   photographs and videos followed by demonstrations and activities with participants’ dogs.

Chris Zink is known for consulting and writing on canine athletics and is an expert on stem cell therapies for dogs. She was named Outstanding Woman Veterinarian of the Year at the 2009 meeting of the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). Her books include Peak Performance: Coaching the Canine Athlete, Dog Health and Nutrition for Dummies, The Agility Advantage, Jumping from A to Z: Teach Your Dog to Soar Building the Canine Athlete: Strength, Stretching, Endurance and Body Awareness Exercises.

More information from


AXA Insurance have agreed to accept NARCH with immediate effect and claims departments have been notified. NARCH will be added to Pet Insurance policy wordings when they are updated. This is great news as AXA underwrite many pet insurance products in the UK including AXA Direct, Sainsbury's, PDSA, RSPCA, Healthy Pets, Post Office, John Lewis, Esure, and Debenhams.

JULY AGM and EDUCATION SEMINAR - date for your diaries (10 May 2011)

The NARCH AGM and 3rd Education Seminar will take place on Sunday 24th July 2011 at Surrey University, Guildford, Surrey. This seminar will provide delegates with an attendance certificate for 7 hours of CPD (Continuing Professional Development). But, more importantly, you will leave with a wealth of knowledge from some very experienced speakers. The event is open to both RCH’s and anyone else interested in the field of canine hydrotherapy. Speakers are being booked now so watch this space for more news. Early Bird Tickets will be available online from 1st June 2011. The AGM will commence at 09.00am and preceeds the Seminar starting at 11.00am. Only RCH’s who are on the NARCH register and have paid their annual subscription will be entitled to attend the AGM.

ABC Awards - Advice Desk at July Seminar (9 May 2011)

Tracy Harker, Business Development Manager at ABC Awards, will be at the NARCH Education Seminar on 24th July 2011. ABC is the Awarding Body for the Level 3 Certificate in Small Animal Hydrotherapy and oversees the qualification and the approved training centres. Tracy will be available for advice and guidance throughout the day.

The North of England welcomes the 2nd NARCH Education Seminar (1 May 2011)

Based in the Yorkshire countryside four miles from the historic city of York,and with excellent transport links, Ashkam Bryan College proved an ideal setting for the 2nd NARCH Education Seminar on Sunday, 20 March 2011. The seminar was open to members and non-members and the NARCH committee was delighted to see an excellent turn out. This seminar provided delegates with an attendance certificate for seven hours of CPD (Continuing Professional Development) which members could use as part of the annual renewal requirements which help ensure maintenance of high standards of each and every RCH. The morning session was devoted to a relatively new topic in the canine field; that of providing support for the canine athlete. Angela Griffiths, CCRP and NARCH Chairman, spoke on this fascinating area of hydrotherapy providing an excellent insight, and Dr Marge Chandler, a senior lecturer in Small Animal Internal Medicine and Clinical Nutrition at the Royal Dick School of Veterinary Studies, University of Edinburgh, discussed Nutrition for the Canine Athlete. Following lunch and an opportunity to socialise and network, Orthopaedic specialist, Andy Torrington, presented on Hip Dysplasia and Treatment Options. This was complemented by a presentation on the role of physiotherapy within rehabilitation for dogs with hip dysplasia by Hannah Theakstone, a Category A ACPAT veterinary physiotherapist. The feedback from the delegates was very positive and due to popular demand the NARCH committee is already planning the next seminar which is scheduled for 24th July 2011 at the University of Surrey in Guildford. Keep an eye on the website for further information including the programme and list of speakers, and how to book.

Hydrotherapy Business Opportunity (16 January 2011)

Established hydrotherapy business in Shropshire (nr Shrewsbury) for sale, or alternatively there is the possibility for sharing of the facilities. Well supported by local vets (but currently only run on a part-time basis 2-3 days per week) this business offers the option of buying an existing business with ample scope for easy expansion and development. Alternatively, everything is easily relocatable, providing a complete start up business package- from equipment and other furnishings through to website, laptop and database software package.

For further information, please contact Sandi Bradshaw at

Full House for 1st NARCH Education Seminar (18 July 2010)

NARCH held its first Education Seminar on Sunday 18th July 2010 at the University of Surrey in Guildford. The NARCH Committee welcomed a full house of delegates from across the UK - well done to those from Scotland! NARCH members were joined by non-members and it was most encouraging to see so many people interested in becoming RCHs. As an additional bonus attendees were able to use their participation in the day to count as 7 hours CPD. The programme included lectures on Cruciate Disease by Peter van Dongen, Drs. (Utrecht) Cert VR, MRCVS and on The Mechanism of Pain and Pain Management Options by Caroline Montgomery, MRCVS. Toni Shelbourne ran a session on Tellington TTouch and Julia Robertson spoke on Galen Therapy. The day was rounded off by an interactive presentation by Dean Hart on Stress, Anxiety and Learning Theory in Hydrotherapy when the chocolate consumption for the day went through the roof! Kirsty Arthur the NARCH membership secretary ran a members office throughout the day and was seen to be very busy with enquiries from both members and those who are working towards achieving the standards required to become a member. NARCH will be running further seminars so please revisit this page soon to find out more details

Petplan activate full approval for NARCH (15 July 2010)

Good news – as there will be a delay in publishing new terms and conditions, Petplan have now issued documentation giving full approval to NARCH members. This will apply to all claims submitted on or after 15th July 2010. We have been given a Petplan approval letter to distribute to all RCHs to pass on to clients and referring vets. This letter should be attached to all hydrotherapy insurance claims to ensure these are processed quickly by Petplan frontline staff. Petplan are also supporting us by adding an article about NARCH to their next newsletter. The news letter is be distributed to all veterinary practices in the UK!

Moulton College representative joins NARCH committee (12 May 2010)

Vicky May from Moulton College has joined the NARCH Management Committee bringing a link from the commercial side to education by promoting training to exceed animal welfare and industry needs.

Vicky has management experience from a zoological background and has over ten years experience working with a wide variety of domestic and exotic animals. She looks after the Animal Welfare Centre at Moulton which provides extensive resources for students studying from Entry up to Masters level. Vicky is also the Animal Therapy Centre manager, overseeing a commercial enterprise within Moulton College. The Centre provides grooming and canine hydrotherapy and facilities include both a hydrotherapy pool and water treadmill. The centre sees in excess of one hundred clients per week and is a vital link between training and industry. Vicky maintains standards at the centre and the highly trained staff ensure professionalism in all treatments offered. Two members of the hydrotherapy team at Moulton are now Registered Canine Hydrotherapists.

NARCH publicised in Your Dog magazine (4 February 2010)

The March edition of Your Dog magazine featured an announcement of the launch of NARCH in News Desk, the news pages of Your Dog magazine. Your Dog magazine is the UK’s best selling monthly magazine with an audited circulation of over 30,000 copies sold each month. NARCH is continuing with a media programme throughout the next few months so that vets, insurance providers and the dog owning public will know that by choosing a hydrotherapist from the List of Registered Canine Hydrotherapists they can be assured that their dogs’ care will be in the hands of people who work to the highest standards in Canine Hydrotherapy.

Online Registration goes live (26 January 2010)

Today we have launched the NARCH online registration facility. This makes it quick and easy to send us your details to become a Registered Canine Hydrotherapist. On the home page click on ‘Hydrotherapists register here’ and follow the directions.

You can submit and save information even if you still have training to complete or information to gather. We will send you a login and password and you can then return at any time to update your records ready for final registration submission with NARCH. Doing this will mean we will know that you are ‘out there’ and interested.

You will not need to complete forms for annual renewal – you will simply need to update your first aid, insurance and CPD records on your personal record.

Welcome to a new, more supportive world in Canine Hydrotherapy. If you need any help, please contact our administrator, Louise Mills at

Petplan approves NARCH (9 December 2009)

We have received good news from Petplan who have confirmed that when their Terms and Conditions are updated in late Spring 2010, NARCH will be included in the list of accepted associations. We must stress that, unless you are already on the Petplan list, no claims by NARCH members will be considered until the new Terms and Conditions are printed and distributed. We will keep you informed via this website when this is the case.

VetIndex support for NARCH (8 December 2009)

Thanks go to Simon Guiton, who has kindly agreed to support us by finding last minute space in the 2010 edition of VetIndex. This will really help with getting NARCH recognised. VetIndex is a classified directory of veterinary products, supplies and services which is distributed to all veterinary practices in the UK. Have a look at the VetIndex website

Fantastic response to NARCH website launch (7 December 2009)

With the website live since 1 December, enquiries are coming in about Registration and inclusion on the List of Registered Canine Hydrotherapists. We have received many emails with good wishes and saying how much you love the website.

The founding members of NARCH - a group of professional people, all of whom have a commitment to improving standards in canine hydrotherapy and ensuring that canine hydrotherapists have the help they need to get their work recognised at national level - are excited and encouraged by the first public days of NARCH.

With the increase in hydrotherapy pools across the UK, the need for high standards in training and practice has been recognised by the veterinary profession and the pet insurance providers. NARCH is confident that anyone included on the List can demonstrate high standards in animal welfare and professional development on an annual basis. Canine hydrotherapy will now be able to move forward and gain greater respect amongst veterinary professionals, whilst the public will be assured of the quality of care for their pets if using a Registered Canine Hydrotherapist.

By January 2010 anyone wishing to become an RCH will be able to complete the registration process online but if you can’t wait until then, please download an application form and apply by post.

Keep watching the website for our latest updates and news.

Check the List/Register or find a Hydrotherapy Centre

Recent news

FREE Webinars for RCH’s:

Monday 17th March 2025 - Health and safety overview

Monday 7th April 2025 - Water testing overview

Monday 19th May 2025 - Correct measuring techniques and balance water

More to follow throughout the year!

Please register your interest by emailing:

Looking for an in person first aid course meeting NARCH requirements? Check the list available by clicking here

NARCH Education Seminar, Guildford Sunday 5th October

We have an excellent speaker line up covering subjects such as hip disease, post hip rehabilitation, nutrition for the post surgery patient and much more. 

Tickets on sale from June 2025! 

To see previous updates see News